In around 2015, I began posting somewhat consistently to my YouTube Channel as a musician. I would make anything from a simple acoustic cover to a full-blown guitar tutorial and it didn't take too long for some of those videos to take off. As more people were watching, I made the effort to learn how to properly use a camera, using manual settings so that I could improve the production quality of my videos. I jumped headfirst into photography and cinematography courses online and, within no time at all, developed a brand new passion.
To further improve my photography and video skills, I took on a few private clients including hotels, estate agents and even a horseriding mobile app to see how well I could work under the pressure. It's safe to say that today, I love creating photos and video just as much as I love making music.
I started Tweed Creations as a place to put any work I completed which was unrelated to music. I reserved my main domain, for that. I quickly started to realise that photography and videography wasn't going to be just a side-project. I made a number of videos and arranged a handful of photoshoots to use as my portfolio and set to work building this website.
If you like the work that I do and you're looking for someone to handle a new project, I'd love to hear from you. Please get in touch using the contact page in the menu above.
Oh, I probably should add that this site is a bit of a work-in-progress so if some parts look a bit funky or a little bit wonky, that's why ;)